Venice Biennale

1 of 4 shortlisted entries to curate the Australian Pavilion at the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale. The team comprised of Benn & Penna Architects, Hugo Chan, Jason Goh, SHHORN, Professor Max Irvine and Dr Ainslie Murray


The proposal is a critical study of how architecture engages with the shaping of an inclusive built environment. A skin of fabric is hung in the pavilion to create an immersive space that transcends human sense. It is a luminescent body you are forced to walk around, and a heavy sky to lie under together.


This sky is the projection surface for a plethora of different light mediums extrapolating existing and proposed projects surrounding the topic of inclusivity - including the Sydney Opera House ramp, the Parliament House fence and Glenn Murcutt’s Islamic Centre in Newport.
